Friday, August 12, 2011

7 things

This post was inspired by Meredith's intriguing answers over at one sheepish girl

Here is a strange and random glimpse of 7 things pertaining to Laura...

1 - The mouth of The Two Heart, in Michigan's Upper Peninsula (again)

2 - Prince Edward Island, Canada

3 - Fallingwater, in rural southwestern Pennsylvania

4 - The Farm, near Summertown, Tennessee

6 - The Chatsworth House in Derbyshire and it's gardens (one of the filming locations for "Pemberly" in Pride and Prejudice)

7 - Sequoia National Forest

1 - A quilt... from start to finish
2 - Another sundress
3 - A woven rug
4 - My own yarn
5 - A crocheted warm sweater

6 - These Homemade Pickles
7 - Beeswax candles

1 - Our own home
2 - A Llama
3 - Chickens
4 - A good record player
5 - A really good color printer that can print large format too

6 - More clothing with unicorns on it, like this.

7 - These sweet little Cat Eye Frames

1 - Mean people (they need to be scolded)

2 - Really loud cars/trucks/motorcycles (they hurt my ears)

3 - Mustaches on sticks (I don't get the craze)

4 - Finding typos, misspelled words, and grammatical errors in commercial signs and business correspondence (it makes one look incompetent)

5 - Text message lingo (abbreviations that I don't get)

6 - When DVDs start messing up and you have to skip a whole chapter to keep it playing

7 - Cat or dog hair in my food (can't get around this one)

1 - Charade 

4 - Soya
6 - Popple
7 - Spry

This was a fun post to try, and I would be interested in reading all of your answers too!  Feel free to post a link to yours down in the comments section.

Have a good weekend!


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. 6. When the dvd skips...My sister has encountered this so many times, that she has created a method for fixing it. She will run the dvd under water and pat dry it with a cloth towel, depending on the severity of damages, it usually after that. Hope that helps!

    Thanks so much for visiting my blog and commenting!! I loved yours!

  3. This is great Laura! I love all of the movies you picked! I've always wanted to visit Prince Edward Island too. :)

  4. LOVE this! I completely agree with you on the mustaches....I don't get the craze either LOL

    love + luck + bliss,


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